Welcome EveryBlock members

Nextdoor is the private social network for your neighborhood, with 100% verified residents.

Sign up today to stay in the know and start connecting with your neighbors.

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Frequently asked questions

Will EveryBlock be available after July 19, 2018?

No. EveryBlock.com will redirect to Nextdoor.com at 12:01am PDT July 19, 2018.

Will Nextdoor retain any EveryBlock features?

Nextdoor and EveryBlock are different platforms that share the core value of connecting neighbors to information that matters. Several EveryBlock features are not available on Nextdoor, in particular public data and news feeds, and user access to any and all neighborhoods. A portion of the EveryBlock code base has been open sourced and is accessible to developers on GitHub, the world’s largest development platform, for free, at https://github.com/LocalDataScrapers.

Is Nextdoor available where I live?

Yes, Nextdoor is available in over 175,000 neighborhoods across the US, including all 10 EveryBlock markets: Boston, Chicago, Denver, Fresno, Hialeah, Houston, Medford, Nashville, Philadelphia, and Seattle.

As an EveryBlock user, was my information shared with Nextdoor?

No personal information or past EveryBlock posts or activity have been shared with Nextdoor. EveryBlock users are encouraged to join Nextdoor and join their Nextdoor neighborhood conversation. Each EveryBlock user will need to sign up and verify their address before accessing their Nextdoor neighborhood.

Can I access my old posts on EveryBlock?

You can continue to sign in to EveryBlock and view past posts until 12:01am on July 19, 2018. At that point, EveryBlock will no longer be available. 

Can I participate in the same neighborhood as I did on EveryBlock?

When signing up for Nextdoor, you must enter and verify your address before accessing Nextdoor. Based on your address, you will be matched to your Nextdoor neighborhood. On Nextdoor, we value our member and neighborhood privacy, and members are limited to participate only in their own and immediate nearby neighborhoods.

Can my nonprofit participate on Nextdoor?

Nonprofits can claim a page on Nextdoor. Individual employees or volunteers of a nonprofit can use their personal Nextdoor account to recruit volunteers or share information with neighbors in their respective neighborhoods.

Can public agencies participate on Nextdoor?

Yes, public agencies are welcome to apply for Nextdoor for Public Agencies which allows them to post information to constituents in their designated jurisdiction at nextdoor.com/agency.

Why do I have to provide my address to Nextdoor?

Every Nextdoor neighborhood has a specific boundary and name that has been defined by the community over the years. Only people who can verify that they live within the boundary can join a given Nextdoor neighborhood. This ensures that everyone participating in your Nextdoor neighborhood conversation is truly a local resident. As a result, your address is essential to map you to the neighborhood and verify that you live within the neighborhood boundary.

Please note that you control the information that appears on your profile, and your address is not visible to anyone outside of your neighborhood. 

Made by your neighbors in San Francisco, CA.

© Nextdoor 2018