Nextdoor for Public Health

Connect directly with local residents in real time. Tap into the areas you cover on the neighborhood app where one in four US households are members.

How your team can leverage Nextdoor

Healthy households mean healthy neighborhoods. Help residents stay informed with emergency alerts and seasonal tips on Nextdoor’s public agency platform.

Instantly reach the community on Nextdoor

Geotarget updates

Unlock an automatic following

Drive local action

Tailor messages to specific neighborhoods or alert an entire city with needed information.

Don’t worry about building followers. Sign up and access an instant network of verified residents.

Have an upcoming blood drive or another community event? Share PSAs to engage entire communities.

Meet our partners

“Working with Nextdoor, the Virginia Department of Health was able to target messaging during the COVID-19 pandemic to specific geographic areas. Our local health departments used the hyperlocal social media platform to share important and timely COVID-19 information and updates with their communities."

M. Norman Oliver, MD, MA

State Health Commissioner, Virginia Department of Health

Join the other 5,000+ agencies already on Nextdoor